Returns & Refunds

Order Cancellations

Blank product orders can be canceled free of charge within one hour of placing. Orders canceled after one hour will be charged a processing fee if we have not shipped the order. Once an order has shipped, we will no longer accept cancellations.

If you want to cancel the order of customized products, please contact customer service first. Please confirm your order carefully when placing the order. Once you place an order, we will start producing products with your logo soon, and we cannot resell these products to other customers.

Returning your items

We want you to be delighted with your order from UUPromos, however if for any reason you wish to return your items, please do so within 30 days of receiving your order. Please contact our customer service team to arrange.

If your order consists of multiple items, the 30 day return period runs from when you receive the last batch of goods.

All items must be returned in their original packaging and in a re-saleable condition.

Goods that are not faulty will be returned at your cost.

All printed product is non-returnable due to the bespoke nature of the print. These are considered personalized goods made to your specifications and cannot be re-sold to anyone else.

To return an item please contact us to obtain a return address.

Damaged or faulty orders

For orders which have been damaged in transit please inform us within 48 hours of delivery. For any orders deemed to be faulty, please inform us within 7 days of receiving the items.

Receiving your refund

All refunds will be made within 30 days of UUPromos receiving and checking the returned goods. If the products are deemed damaged and/or unsaleable then the goods will be returned and no refund given.


All printed stock is non-returnable due to the bespoke nature of the print. These are considered personalized goods made to your specifications and cannot be re-sold to anyone else.

If there is a print error deemed to be our fault we will offer to re-print the products or provide a refund as above. Please note that we will require photos of the items for us to assess before you return them to us and any liability is agreed.